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10/77 "Surveying Building Heat Loads by Aerial Thermography", Department of Energy, Agreement No. E/5A/CON/2002, 13 October 1977 (Published as an Appendix to Energy Paper No. 35, April 1979)

10/78 "A Review of Engine Cooling System Design", Leyland Cars Ltd., 31 October 1978

8/79 "Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) - Outline Design of Power Plant of 5 MWe Gross", British Shipbuilders Ltd., 12 August 1979

4/80 "Prospects for Controlled Ventilation and Heat Recovery Products in the U.K. Residential Sector". Flakt Ltd., 22 April 1980.

12/81 "A Review of Engine Cooling System Design Using Computer Aided Methods", Centro Richerche Fiat, 5 December 1981.

4/83 "The Scope for Electricity Saving in Domestic Appliances", Earth Resources Research, 6 April 1983

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